Angel Blood Lace
The Angel's Wings


A Walk In the Rose Garden
The Angel's Lace
The Angel's Wings
Exit Gates
Who is the Angel of this Rose Garden?
the angel is...
This page is dedicated to necrographical information...
Read below to find out random little details about the Angel.
The Angel of Angel Blood Lace
Blackheart Sahva the Pirate Vamp
The Dragonlady Kesu
Jigoku no Tenshi
Zodiac: Pisces
Chinese: Ox
Celtic: Tripple Goddess
Greek: Omega
Numerical: Infinity
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: Brown, lightly curly
Hair accessories: extension/attachments, lace bands, bandanas
Height: over 5 feet under 6
Skin: Fair to pale
Jewlery: tripple spiral necklace, blue ship pendant, tripple spiral ring, assorted rings and earings, almost always seen wearing a watch
Styles of Dress: Gothic lolita, stockings, knee socks, torn pants, fluffy skirts, jolly roger bandana, hoodies, leather coats, long coats, vinyl pants, scrubs around her house in boxers and tank tops.
Can be found: In western WA state
Occupation: College student
Romantic Preferences: Gender plays less of a role than personality does. Estimated to be about 75% sub and 25% Switch. Relationships do NOT revolve around sex for this lass.
Obsessions: Gackt, Pirates, Vampires, Subtitled Anime and Raw Anime (Dubs = AMV fodder only), drawing, writing, Japanese language
Guilty pleasure: Yuri
Drinks: (besides blood) milk, tea, milk tea, chocolate milk, water with lemon, hot chocolate, tomatoe juice, milkshakes, italian sodas.
Movies: Hamlet, Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Interview with the Vampire (NOT Queen of the Damned *Shudder*) The Matrix, Lord of the Rings ESPECIALLY Two Towers, **NEW** Pirates of the Caribbean! 
Here are some things the Angel doesn't like being asked about by anyone who has to read THIS to know:
~ Religion
~ Politics
If you STILL have questions you want to ask the Angel, e-mail her. Responses are somewhat likely but not guaranteed. Check out her Livejournal (via Exit Gates) for other random scupper.
Curious about what kind of music the Angel listens to? Check out her music recommendations at the site sponsored by the Garden at Twilight:

The Angel <3's Him....
<3 <3

..And This...
<3 <3

..And It...
<3 <3

...And These...
<3 harder <3
...And Them...
<3 <3 <3

..And Him...

..And Her...
<3 <3

You just heard a song from Mononoke Hime. To hear it again, click play.

..And these...

..And It...
<3 girl/boy <3

...And Them...
<3 <3 <3

..And Them...
<3 <3

..And Him...

..And Now Him!
<3 <3 <3

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Your feelings do not go unappreciated...