Angel Blood Lace


A Walk In the Rose Garden
The Angel's Lace
The Angel's Wings
Exit Gates
Here is the illustration page for Arcana The World and The Blood Lace Tapestry.
All drawings without artist labels are done by the Angel. Please submit your own illustration for one or both of the novels:
Blathia and Wulfax
Blathia and Wulfax

See the big picture

Here's the first drawing up. This was a sketch of Blathia the Angel did while designing her character... not to mention her hair!
All earnest submissions shall be accepted gratefully.
Isn't it sad that there's only one drawing in here so far? Don't you want to change that?
You just heard the Lord of the Dance's "Gypsy" by Ron Hardiman. To hear it again, click stop. Just kidding.

Whispers of artistic inspiration...