Angel Blood Lace


A Walk In the Rose Garden
The Angel's Lace
The Angel's Wings
Exit Gates
Gates to other Dragonladies
In a world where the Angel is known as Kesu...
One of the pages mastered by Kesu's web idol and fellow Dragonlady: Taji. It = greatness.
Taji's page for her dream about the end of the world. It's pretty cool though it was never really completed.
The original Dragonladies page from back in the day when Kesu was known as an Ex-Space Pirate. Very old, most of the info is Very outdated... but it's fun anyways!
Roxxy, aka Gallow,'s website. Verrrry cool. Very talented artist. Yeah baby.
No, this isn't Gallow's page again! This is Patty, aka Toren,'s page! If the link doesn't work it's probably because she hasn't finished her construction/move yet, but that is the latest URL.
Take a step over into sites built by Kesu's friends!
Fascinating art and intriguing personalities pervade...

Whispers of ample talent...