Angel Blood Lace


A Walk In the Rose Garden
The Angel's Lace
The Angel's Wings
Exit Gates

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Try To STEAL The Angel's Work!


Everything on Angel Blood Lace and its related websites are copyrighted 2003 by T. Loges (unless otherwise specified). The Angel will rain darkness upon any villain who tries to take her work as their own. If you want to use anything, be a good MLA practitioner and cite it.

If you do cite anything from these pages, the Angel would love to hear about it...
If you do so, perhaps a link to your website's gate could be added to the Angel's list of recommendations found in the Gates to other Gardens.
Feel free to link to this page. Please tell the Angel if you do so...
Honest and courteous comments are always appreciated...

Whispers of a potent wrath...